Smoking Brakes? How to Unstick a Brake Caliper

If you have smoking brakes, you’ll want to inspect thebrake parts. Problems like smoking brakes, sticking brakes, or the car pulling to one side could mean there is a stuck brake caliper. If you have a seized brake caliper causing these symptoms, find out how to inspect and unstick a brake caliper, and how to tell if you’ll need a new one.


What Should I Do If I Have Smoking or Sticking Brakes?

Inspect and Fix the Brakes

如果您有吸烟或踩刹车,则可能需要考虑在固定之前拉开并不要驾驶。吸烟刹车可能是由过度制动或新的刹车片和转子爆发的结果引起的,但是如果您最近没有撞到刹车或最近没有刹车,则可能是由吸烟刹车引起的seized brake caliper.

Driving with the brakes compromised is dangerous. You’ll want to fix this problem as soon as possible. We review how to check if a seized brake caliper is the cause.

Symptoms of a Stuck, Frozen, or Seized Brake Caliper

Smoking Brakes

If the brake pads are stuck against the制动转子and the caliper is unable to push them in and out, the heat from the friction of the brake pad material wearing against the rotor can create smoke.

Sticking Brakes

如果刹车片没有进出,他们会觉得自己在粘在转子上。刹车片可以用粘在一侧更快地磨损brake caliper.


A car with a seized brake caliper can shift to the side the bad caliper is on. The car can feel like it’s misaligned, and this can happen when the brakes are applied.

How to Unstick a Brake Caliper That Causes Smoking or Sticking Brakes

Steps on how to unstick a brake caliper

  1. 检查,清洁或更换卡尺幻灯销


    Inspect the slide pins for wear or damage like scarring, which means they need to be replaced. If they’re coated in debris, clean them.


    Tip:If the slide bolt is stuck, loosening it with an impact wrench and a ball peen hammer is one method you can use to remove it. Remove the bolt with the impact wrench while tapping the caliper with the hammer, being careful not the hit the brake line.

  2. Inspect, Clean or Replace the Brake Caliper Bracket


    Thecaliper bracketcan rust underneath the metal brake pad slides/retainers, and it can expand them out and keep the brake pads in the same position. If the pads can’t glide easily on the slides and press the brake rotor, and if they’re stuck in a position where they’re in constant contact with the rotor, you might see smoking brakes.


    Clean the backside of the brake pad slides that contact the caliper bracket. Before reinstalling the clips, place caliper grease on the mounting surface.

  3. Test the Function of the Caliper Piston




  4. Inspect the Brake Pads

    If the pads are sticking and you have to use force to remove them like a pry bar, large screwdriver, and hammer, this is a sign there is a problem with the brakes. You might have to alternate between tapping the top and bottom of the pad with a screwdriver and hammer to loosen and remove them.

    Check thebrake padsfor scoring. If the caliper slide pins are stuck, it can leave marks on the and crack them brake pads from pressing against the rotor.

    More on how to inspect the brake pads

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Smoking Brakes? How to Unstick a Brake Caliper - 1A Auto
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Smoking Brakes? How to Unstick a Brake Caliper - 1A Auto
If you have sticking or smoking brakes you might have a seized brake caliper. Find out how to diagnose them and what to do if you find smoking, a smoke smell, or sticking from the brakes with these expert tips
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1A Auto


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